CGL Tottenham Mother Letter

Tottenham CGL Mother Letter 1
Tottenham CGL Mother Letter 2
Tottenham CGL Mother Letter 3

C.G.L. Tottenham

8 Campden Hill Mansions

Kensington W8

31st Oct. 1921


Dear Mr Christison

The accompanying photograph is the only one I possess of my son, so I trust you will see it is not in any way damaged.

Such information [2] as I could obtain from a brother officer, who passed out of Chatham when my son did, & was for a short time in India with him, & also in France, I enclose. In addition to Neuve Chappelle my son was present in early 1915, on the [3] occasion of the Kaiser’s birthday, in some engagement, but at which of the fronts I don’t know. When writing to me after it was over, he said they had prepared for a “big affair” but it was very mild, & not worth mentioning.

I should like a copy of the Book [4] so have signed the order form.

I trust you will return the photo & papers as soon as you can.


Yours v. truly

H.W. Tottenham
