WT Smith First Mother Letter

Smith WT First Mother Letter 1
Smith WT First Mother Letter 2

32 South Croxted Rd.

Dulwich S.E.21

May 30/21

Lt. W. Travers Smith R.E.

Dear Sir,

As requested I am sending you the particulars about my dear son – he left from Antofagasta soon after war broke out & entered the army at once. He trained with the “Artists” & went to France in Nov. 1915 – joining the 4th Royal Warwicks – shortly afterwards he left them & joined the R. Engineers as he felt his mining training as [2] a mining engineer would be useful there – (174th Tunneling Corps.). He was continuously in France (except for a few months leave after being wounded) until he was killed on Nov. 20th/17. I enclose photo & 2 letters from other officers, for you to make what use you think you think best of – also the letter recd. [received] at his death telling of his “mention” [in dispatches] the night before he was killed (it happened at 6 a.m.) he spent the whole time in looking after & cheering his men – never hearing himself. [3] He left a brave & cheerful farewell letter for me – knowing he was going to his death but these details will not be of any value except to this broken hearted mother.

Alice B Smith



I suppose photo cannot be kept?

McC. Christison Esq.

Dulwich College



My son’s promotion was of course delayed owing to changing his regiment.
