OC Thomas First Cousin Letter

Denbigh Mansions
39 Charlwood St
6th Jan/ 22
McC. Christison Esq.
Dear Sir,
Many thanks for your letter dated 31st Dec. addressed to Mrs. [Thomas Brandesburton, Willington?]. My cousin, I regret to say died at her residence, Rosehurst, Branksome Pk. Btn. in 1910. My dear cousin O. Clifford Thomas, after leaving Cambridge, went out to B.A. [Buenos Aires] & was there when war broke out. He at once made preparations to return to England & join up. On arriving here, his elder [2] brother, also one of your old boys – Claud W. Thomas, cabled to him from Cape Town, S.A. asking him to wait for him as he was coming over with the S.A. contingent to drive an ambulance presented by his brother-in-law, [Chas. J.H. Astrop?]. Clifford decided to go over to France with him & bought a big Scout Car & had an ambulance body put on, & drove it for some months. He felt that older men could do this work so returned to England [3] & joined the O.T. Corps at Oxford, he was singled out, & asked to join the 5th Bat. Grenadier Guards as 2nd. Lt. & later drafted into the G.G.M.G. Corps. He was killed by a sniper at Cambrai 1st Dec 1917. I am writing to his aunt to ask if she has a photograph, as unfortunately all my furniture etc. have just been stored. I will let you have one if possible. I am [4] for the delay in answering your letter, but through death I have closed my house at Willington, & am now residing at the above address. My cousin Claud W. Thomas, Civil Service Club, Cape Town, S.A. Will I am sure be pleased to give you fuller details, if there is time. I am writing to him & will forward on the form of application for the Book.
I remain
Yours sincerely
Annie C. Woodhead