M McGregor Career Description

McGregor M Career Description 1
McGregor M Career Description 2

2nd Lieut. Marcus McGregor 2nd Battalion Cheshire Regiment obtained his commission in Sept. 1914, & joined & joined [sic] the 3rd Battalion of the Cheshires at Birkenhead where he went through his training.

He was at Birkenhead till March 16th 1915 when he went to France joining the 2nd Battalion there.

After a short time with his regiment in the trenches he was appointed Captain of the Road ‘Guards’ Detachment at Paperinghe where he remained three months.

On rejoining his regiment, he was employed in engineering work for a time, superintending the draining of the trenches etc.

Also drawing on his experience on the Pampas in South America, he did good works as a water-finder.

He had been recommended for ???? & was shortly to have been promoted to the rank of Captain.

In his last engagement he was in command of his company owing to his Major being in hospital.

500 men of the Cheshire Regiment went into that engagement in the Hohenzollern Redoubt and only 100 came out of it. 2nd Lieut. McGregor was killed in the Redoubt on 2nd October 1915 and was buried close to where he fell.

He was 41 years of age.
