AM Lafone Career Description

Lafone AM Career Description

1874 assistant Manager & Engineer to the Jokai T E [Tea Estate] Assam for three years later joined his father in business at Butler’s Wharf. He was a director of several companies & a few years ago became a partner in the firm of F.A.  Roberts & Co. to Leadenhall St. a position he retained up to the time of his death.

He was one of the most selfless men that ever lived, and had his life not been what it was, would not have been able to show the enduring bravery and absolute self-sacrifice which won him the V.C. It was not won by one swift deed of courage in the heat of a charge.

He was an outpost with two troops of his squadron at Hill 720 SW of the GAZA – Beersheeba Road –  there were other outposts on his right and left but at a distance of two or 3 miles. He was attacked

by ^   a Brigade of Turkish Cavalry Tanks who tried to hem him in.

Only about 10 men got away from the position, mostly all wounded. Lafone was adored by his men and they would do anything for him.

