L Garraway Career Description

Garraway L Career Description 1
Garraway L Career Description 2

Leonard Garraway

Born 11 October 1882, died 29 December 1918

Aged 36

He entered Dulwich College abt. 1895 & left in 1898 & shortly afterwards entered the Royal Navy, leaving the Service in 1911.

War breaking out – he joined the Royal Indian Marine &, now Warrant Officer, went through the campaign in Mesopotamia & the Persian Gulf – after many illnesses (dysentery, sandfly fever, cholera & malaria) he was invalided to Bombay where he contracted influenza followed by pneumonia & died in the infirmary there. In November 1920 the King conferred the posthumous honour upon him of the order of the British Empire (Military Division) for “valuable services rendered in connection with military operations in Mesopotamia”.
