JP Sutherland Third Mother Letter

Sutherland JP Third Mother Letter 1
Sutherland JP Third Mother Letter 2
Sutherland JP Third Mother Letter 3

Nov 21. ‘21


Dear Mr. Christison,

After writing you in June last I at once wrote to the Officer in Command at Glencorse, nr. Edinburgh asking to be put in touch with someone who could tell me what actions my boy was in whilst in the Royal Scots, after writing various letters [Cox’s Bank?] people at last got me a little information. They also tried to find out what actions he was in while with the U.P.S.  but after several more letters, the Infantry Record Office say that the information is not obtainable from their records. So I am sending you an outline of his service from which you can take what is necessary. When he was last home he mentioned many places & said he had his “baptism” at the Hohenzollern Redoubt; but so much has happened since that I can[3]not trust my memory – but I know he had many narrow escapes.

I enclose a photograph, and return the form signed.

With many apologies for delay

Yours very truly

Ethel Ovington


Jim was seventeen years & eight months when he:

  • Enlisted for West Yorks Regiment – 11th Battalion – 8-9-1914
  • Transferred to Public Schools Brigade. 18th Royal Fusiliers – 16.12.1914
  • Embarked for active service in France – 14-11-1915
  • Discharged on his granted commission in the Royal Scots: after serving 2 years, 18 days in Royal Fusiliers – 25-9-1916


  • Joined 2nd The Royal Scots on 26-11-1916.

The Battalion was employed November-December 1916 in trench warfare in Sevre Sector 8 ½ miles north of Albert. During this period the Battalion was not employed in any outstanding engagements; though there was considerable local activity & several raids were carried out. The Battalion was not seriously engaged until the Battle of Arras 9th April 1917 – when Jim fell.

  • Awarded the 1914-15 Star, British War and Victory medals.