JP Sutherland First Mother Letter

10 Newcastle House
Northumberland St.
London, W.1.
July 8. ‘17
Dear Sir,
My husband sent on to me your letter inquiring about my late son who was killed on April 9th.
When war broke out Jim was studying farming [2] nr. York. On Sept. 8th ’14 he enlisted in the West Yorks. & was sent to Frencham – I discovered that the men were an exceedingly rough lot, & through friends got his transfer to the U.P.S. the 18th Royal Fusiliers. He went to France with the Battalion Nov. 17th ’15 – as a private. [3] I think it was in May he was sent home to [study?] for a commission, which he got in Sept. & joined his regiment The Royal Scots. He reported to 3rd Batt. Glencorse Camp, Edinburgh. In Nov. he was sent to 2nd Batt. in France. He fell on Easter Monday – “leading his men to victory” his colonel said – at Tilloy-les-Mofflaines [4] & is buried at Harp Redoubt Military Cemetery. His colonel & many of the other officers have written most highly of him & I feel his colonel’s remark “he was a splendid soldier” is very comforting. He was only twenty last Jan. & was [billeting officer?] for some time. Jim was the elder of my two boys who were at Dulwich. Warwick went to H.S.A. soon after he left Dulwich in 1914. [5] Jim & I did not wish him to join up until he was eighteen. In Aug. last he came home, but had to wait until he had turned eighteen, & in December he joined the Inns of Court O.T.C. He is now at [Bancroft?] Cadet School, Berkhamsted.
I have written rather full, but you will be able to find, I hope, what [6] you require to complete the Dulwich records.
I hope Warwick is keeping up his subscription to the O.A. Magazine, if not I shall be most happy to do so.
Yours [very truly?]
Ethel Sutherland