AT Housden EJT Brother Letter

Housden AT EJT Brother Letter 1
Housden AT EJT Brother Letter 3



Dear Christison,

I am answering a letter received from you by my father, for which many thanks.

My brother Arthur Thomas Housden was Corporal of the Lewis Gun Section of the 1/28 London Regiment Artist’s Rifles.

On leaving school he took up surveying & passed both the P.A.S.I. & F.S.I. [2] examinations. He bought the business of [Lever?] & Sons of Beckenham & Bromley, when he was doing successfully. He also passed the A.R.C.O. examination, being very keen on music. He played hockey regularly for the Forest Hill club, as a good half at the game. At the beginning of the war he attested, but owing to business obligations joined the Beckenham Volunteers, & was not called upon to serve till September [3] 1916. At the end of October 1916 he was sent with a [????] to France, & remained with the Artists 8th Platoon, B Company, till his death.

His end was as follows.

On the morning of October 30 1916 at 6.20 AM the 63rd Division attacked a line of strong concrete dug outs behind the POELCAPELLE-WEST ROOS BERE road & to about 1 ½ miles EAST of it, joining the right with the Canadians attacking up to PASCHENDAELE. The casualties were severe. The only survivor (x Pte. Hawkins) of my brother’s command of 8 men states, that he insisted on going on although only the [4] two remained & they had all the Lewis Gun tackle between them to carry. They were blown down by a shell & rested for a few minutes. My brother got up & said ‘come on’. He went on 5 yards & was shot dead.

Unfortunately it was impossible to recover his body. The battalion wrote to my people to state he died very gallantly, as of course we all knew he would if necessary. I am glad it was Hawkins to get a military medal. If there is anything else you would like I [will to &?] send it. It is very nice to get in touch with you again. Perhaps you have a recollection of me in the old days at the College Gymnasium.

Best wishes to you

Yours sincerely

EJT Housden

(Major 12th D/Ts Grand Division B.E.F.)
