HC Lomer Bussey Letter

Dear Sir,
As an observer in the same flight as your son may I offer you my most sincere sympathy on his loss. I left the Squadron a day or two before he was killed & so I do not know how it happened, but I do know that the Flight & Squadron have to mourn the loss of a gallant officer & a well loved Comrade. Your son did a very great deal to help officers & men to keep up their spirits & forget the war a while & that was no small service. Finally I shall remember him best for the quietly humorous way in which he referred beforehand to any dangerous work that he had to carry out. He was one of those who have faced danger without relying on any illusions & as long as we have men who will do that we need not fear the Germans or any other enemies.
I honour his memory.
Allow me to assure you once more of my sympathy & concern
Yours sincerely
Signed Edward Bussey
Lieut. RFC
Late No. 10 Squadron