HA Ripman Second Widow Letter

Ripman HA Second Widow Letter 1
Ripman HA Second Widow Letter 2
Ripman HA Second Widow Letter 3
Ripman HA Second Widow Letter 4
Ripman HA Second Widow Letter 5

The Homeland

Studland Bay




Dear Slacker,

I am sorry to have been so long in replying. We should like two copies of the book – one for Rip & one for me. I enclose a photograph. Do you think I could have it back as it is the only one I have like that. I am afraid I [2] have not much in the way of particulars. Rip was not killed in any direct action but was hit by a shell when passing through a village, when returning from observation post duty. He had almost got back to his Battery when the shelling began & he turned back with his two telephonists. They left him there thinking he was killed, but he was picked up by an ambulance & taken to [3] a cleaning station where he was at once operated on & sent on to Etaples. I will give you the dates as following.

Entered Prep 1887.

“        Dulwich 1892.

Left & went into business 1897

After leaving school he played with the O.A.F.C. for many years – for which he did a great deal in the days when they were trying to find a permanent home. He was also for many years treasurer of the Alleyn Club.

When the war broke out [4] he tried to get a commission but his age prevented his being selected so in May 1916 he enlisted at Whitehall in the R.G.A.. While out in France with the 4th siege battery he put in for a commission & was sent home & joined a cadet corps at Trowbridge. In Dec 1917 he went out again as a 2nd Lt., & was hit the following 6 April by a piece of shell. He was then at Bresle with the 245th Siege Battery. After being operated on at a casualty clearing station he was sent to Etaples to St. Johns Hospital – he was there 5 weeks & died May 16th 1918. He is buried in the Military Hospital, Etaples, France. I am writing to his O.C. Major Parry who is now in India – he [may yet?] give me something for you. Will you let me know the latest date for information.

We have all been so sorry not to have seen anything of you this winter. Do try & come to see us when we come back in the autumn. The boys have grown up [6] into hefty young men now, & I don’t think they will frighten you as much as they did.

With love from us all

Yours sincerely

Olive M. Rip.
