FH Dadson Brother Letter

Dadson FH Brother Letter 1
Dadson FH Brother Letter 2

Dear Christison,

I was delighted to get your letter dated the 17th inst. I have also heard from my brother & sister re your enquiries.

My brother when he left Dulwich went to sea as an apprentice & then took up an appointment in the City. He then went to Australia & after knocking about for a year or two joined the Australian Bushman Corps for the South African Campaign for which he received the King & Queens medals. During the war he transferred to the Natal Mounted Police in which he served for eight years & saw further service in the Zulu trouble in 1904 for which he received another decoration. He then came back to England for twelve months, after which he returned to Australia & when the Great War broke out joined the Australian contingent as trooper & was in the original landing at Gallipoli where as sergeant he found himself in charge of his company & was promoted Lieutenant [sic] on the field. He had the misfortune to be hit by a shell & had his thigh broken. He was sent home to England & on recovery rejoined his battalion in France, where he was killed whilst leading on his men. The enclosed letter give particulars of his death.

I have not got a photo of his by me but will send one along in a day or two.

I am fixed up in business in London now & hope I shall be able to see something of you. I often go over to Croydon where I am building small outboard motors for row boats & am hoping to build up a good business.

I did not pick up any decorations but was mentioned on one occasion.

With all best wishes

[yours] sincerely

H.H. Dadson



Buried near Bullecourt                                  (14th-18th)?

Killed while leading his men into action
