FG Best First Father Letter

Best FG First Father Letter 1
Best FG First Father Letter 2
Best FG First Father Letter 3

Lieut. McC Christison,

My dear Sir,

For my family and myself I return your sincere thanks for your expression of sincere sympathy towards us in the time of our own great loss and sorrow, through the death whilst in action in France of our dear eldest son Gordon. The shock to us has been great, but, the [2] sympathy shown by a lot of friends tends to soften or lighten the burden. As to where the death occurred we are as yet not permitted to know – we have received his letters containing the only known “to us” particulars. I [list] letters I have had copied and enclose, they show his was mercifully sudden whilst in action.

Gordon enlisted Sept. 2nd 1914 being only 17 years of age 4th of the same month, but, being tall and well developed [3] was accepted in the London Scottish Regiment, for 2 or 3 months he was receiving military instruction at London Headquarters, then went into Camp at St. Albans, where volunteers were wanted for the [transport?] section, he offered, and had an active 2 months, then his [draft?] was sent to Roehampton into Camp, his age prevented his being sent abroad until Oct. 1915, in the first week of it he was sent with a draft to France, from then through the last winter he was in and out of the trenches, his letters disclosed to us that he experienced much trench warfare, but no mishap – he was always [4] cheerful, and [bent?] upon entering Sandhurst or Woolwich to follow a military career, when he came home, which he had hopes of doing this month.

He with his regiment passed over the trenches in the great push July 1st but wrote us he came through without a scratch, although his Lewis Gun Section of 20 men “he being one”, only 10 answering to the roll call. Gordon had joined himself to the Gun team some two months before his death.

Gordon thus served his King and Country [very?] acting as a Private – L.S.R.S. – and would have gone up for a Comm. in the Regular forces if he had been spared, but he passed we hope to where we meet again.

Yours Truly

F.J. Best
