CJ Tiddy Third Father Letter

Tiddy CJ Third Father Letter 1
Tiddy CJ Third Father Letter 2

14 Church Road

Forest Hill

London S.E.

Aug. 3rd 1921

McC. Christison Esq.

Dulwich College – London S.E.21


Dear Sir,

I am enclosing order form for one copy of the Dulwich College War List. Also photo of my son (Claude Julian Tiddy) who fell near Roye (France) on August 11th 1918 in the final great advance of the British forces against the German position in that locality. He was Second Lieutenant in the “First Dorsets” & after passing through Sandhurst in the latter part of 1917 joined his Regiment January 1918. He was wounded in a reconnoitring movement near Arras in March of the same year & after recovering rejoined his Regiment in July. These are all the particulars I can give you as the Regiment was very badly cut up in that engagement and so many of his Comrades [2] killed and wounded we have never been able to discover any fuller details – and his grave has never been traced.

His Colonel writing to us says he was very brave and was always a credit to the Regiment.

Yours truly

C.J. Tiddy


P.S. Kindly return photo when finished with
