CJ Tiddy First Father Letter

Oct. 12. 1918
Dear Mr. Christison,
In reply to your kind letter of sympathy & request for particulars of my son’s death in action & his previous record since leaving Dulwich, you are under a misapprehension as to the identity of this son – while his initials are “C.J.” – the same as [2] his other brother to whom you refer – he was some years younger than he & so far as I know was not a member of the Old Boys club, though as usual, very enthusiastic in connection with everything relating to the School.
He was my fourth son (all four having been “Dulwich boys”).
The “C.J.” to whom you refer in your letter unfortunately – as he eternally regrets – [3] is the only one who has not been able to do his ‘bit’ in this great war, [he?] being absolutely necessary to stay at his post in S. Africa in connection with my interests there.
Under these circumstances I don’t know whether (seeing that my son who was killed was not a member of the Club) you would still like to have the particulars referred to. If you still wish it now that I have made it [4] clear as to which son was killed I will send you the particulars referred to.
Thanking you for your interest & sympathy
I remain
Yours sincerely
C.J. Tiddy