CB Cook Mother Letter

Cook CB Mother Letter 1
Cook CB Mother Letter 2

Sep 26. 17

60, Hayes Road

Bromley Kent

Dear Sir,

Thank you so much for the letter of sympathy in our loss.

Our dear son, Cecil, was killed at the Aerodrome, Dover. The wing broke when he was 3000 feet high: he entered the R.N.A.S in March, went to the Crystal Palace, Cranwell, Sleaford and Freiston for his training [2] and would have gone on to Dunkirk from Dover: he joined up in March 1917 and took his wings in July: had a most successful time and never a break or slightest accident, till the one which caused his death. The letters of love and sympathy which we have received including those from Mr George Smith and Mr Leake will help us to be brave and carry on: I enclose a short account of the funeral with which the Admiralty honoured our dear boy.

Yours very sincerely,

Laura E Cook

