CB Cook Father Letter

Cook CB Father Letter 1
Cook CB Father Letter 2
Cook CB Father Letter 3

60, Hayes Road

Bromley Kent

Oct. 20th 1921

M.C. Christison Esq

Dulwich College SE21


Dear Sir

In reply to your letter of the 16th re. my late son – Cecil Barnaby Cook, I send herewith his photograph, the best and only one we possess, will you therefore take great care of it and return to me when finished with [2] as to the biographical notes.

He was born Nov 12th 1899. Educated at Dulwich College left there Feb 1916 to enter the War Office, in the capacity of assistant in the Aeronautical Designing Department, leaving there on his attaining military age. Taking a commission in the R.N.V.R April 1917 he was sent to France for his training, afterwards qualifying for his pilots certificate at Cranwell. He was ordered to Dover [3] on Aug 18th preliminary to his leaving there for the Front but was killed there on the 20th owing to his aeroplane, in which he was flying, collapsing at a height of two thousand feet.

He is buried at Hayes (Kent) cemetery.

I am yours faithfully,

Herbert Cook

