CAR Hoggan Father Letter

Hoggan CAR Father Letter 1
Hoggan CAR Father Letter 2
Hoggan CAR Father Letter 3

17th October 1921


Dear Mr Christison


I am unable to furnish you with the particulars you ask for. My son joined the 16th Middlesex and served as a private in the trenches at Loos Lens Bethune and many other places. Afterwards he attained a commission which is dated 5th August 1916 and when he was killed in action 30th May1918 he was Lieutenant in the 46th Batt of the Machine Gun Company. [2]

He lies buried in Fourquieres-les-Bethune Churchyard Extension South West of Bethune, Grave r. 9 Plot 3 Row C. What actions he took part in I do not know, but his commanding Officer wrote “He was a splendid officer, always so cheery & willing to do any job that he was asked to do. Such a nice boy, so popular with everyone, officers and men”.

I enclose a photograph. The College already possess on, so please return this one when done with. [3]

You have set me a task from which I have shrunk hitherto.

Yours very truly,

Mr Hoggan
