C Caney Career Description

Caney C Career Description

2nd Lieut. Charles Caney M.C.

The Buffs (East Kent Regt.)

Died 29 Aug. ’18 of wounds received in action 26 Aug. near BAZENTIN-LE-PETIT. Aged 21. At Tonbridge 1911-16.


Charles Caney was the only son of Chas. Caney of 8 Camberwell Green SE and formerly of Bromley, and though christened Charles he was always called “Bobs”. From Rushmore School Bromley he came to Dulwich. From an early age he showed considerable literary ability and taste and gained a prize for Literature while at the College. With a view to becoming a Barrister he was to have gone to Oxford and had been entered for Lincoln College, but the War altered the plans for the future and after passing through the RMC Sandhurst he rec. a Com. in the Buffs in May 1917. After a short period at Dover he joined the 6th/8th in France and came unscathed through much fighting until he was wounded in March 1918 at AVELUI [Aveluy] WOOD near MESNIL, under circs. that led to the award of the MC. The following a/c of his gallant action appeared in the Gazette:- “The post of which he was in command was heavily attacked by the enemy. He held his ground although completely surrounded, until he was relieved by a counter attack. He inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy and captured seven prisoners, and although badly wounded at the beginning of the engagement continued to encourage his men and direct their fire. He refused to leave his men until [touch?] had been established on the flanks and he had been relieved by another officer. He set a magnificent example of courage and determination under most difficult conditions”. He had also captured a machine gun, but he received a bullet through the shoulder, and the wound was far more serious than he would [?????]. After recovery he was sent out to the 7th Batt. in which his value was soon recognised. In the course of our victorious offensive in August 1918 his Company Commander being wounded at MAMETZ he took over command. When they had reached the MONTAUBAN-BAZENTIN-LE-PETIT road the Germans counter-attacked and he was mortally wounded on 26 Aug. and died 3 days later at the C.C.S. on 29 Aug. 1918. His wonderful personality and cheery demeanour won friendship and affection wherever he went, while the cleanness of his life and speech, his courage and devotion to duty, were a lasting example to all.
