AW Fischer Mother Letter

Fischer AW Mother Letter 1
Fischer AW Mother Letter 2
Fischer AW Mother Letter 3
Fischer AW Mother Letter 4


Dear Mr Christison,

I did not get the letter from you asking for the photo of my son, as I know the dear one was so proud & fond of his old school, I that even if I delayed in anything else that request would have been answered at once. I here enclose you a photo. Alec joined the Artists Rifles [2] two days after war was declared, went to France in November 1914 – his commission to the 1st Devon Reg. before December 1914. He partook [?] in Hill 60, Neuve Chapelle and Festubert, the 1st Battle of Ypres & in the Sommes region before [?] his death on May 12th 1916. His Lieutenant Commander wrote me that he was at the time “he was wounded near Corbie taking his adjutant’s duties who was on leave & that he had volunteered for the dangerous post he was in, although he could have remained [3] behind in comparative safety. He had just passed his 21st Birthday. He hated all notoriety for himself & would never allow me ever to suggest he had done anything. In his last letter to me are these words “A sacrifice is no sacrifice unless made willingly” & I have learned more from his short life than from all the Churches I have attended, & I thank all those at dear old Dulwich who nestelled into my boys [4] (all) minds, such moral lasting principles, & I as a mother need [?] tried [?] say to them all that their work is not wasted. My son was wounded twice & mentioned in Lord Frederick’s dispatch. Please do not heed [?] all my rambling remarks; but I know my boy so loved his school that he would like his name at least mentioned although we all are silent if often absent from Dulwich on special occasions. Nevertheless we are there in mind & all & one love the school. I hope that [top of 1] the corps d’esprit of Dulwich will never die & that the boys there now will nobly fill the places of those who died that this land should be English in every way.

Clara  Fischer
