H Smither Career Description

Smither H Career Description 1
Smither H Career Description 2
Smither H Career Description 3

Harold Smither

Entered the College Sep. 1905 Left Dec. 1910


Joined University & Public School Battalion Sep. 5th 1914

Went to France 1915 & [granted?] Commission Aug. 1916

Appointed Officer R.F.C. [beginning?] 1917, sent out with 48th Squadron, went through all the hard Arras aerial fighting.

He was killed in action 6th July 1917 [2] at Cambrai, where he was buried by the Germans in their cemetary.


In a letter to us Major Bettington says ‘as you know he was one of the original members of this Squadron & was through all the hard Arras aerial fighting almost invariably distinguishing himself; he was one of the first reliable officers I had & one in whom unfounded [3] confidence was placed. He usually did his work in a quiet unostentatious manner but none the less thoroughly.

His patrol leader & Flt. Commander has often remarked that whenever he got in a heavy scrap or tight corner, no matter what the odds against them your son was always there doing his full share. He was universally liked throughout the Squadron by officers [4] & men & one in whom I always placed implicit trust.
