DE Sharp Career Description

Sharp DE Career Description 1
Sharp DE Career Description 2

Douglas Eldridge Sharp joined the College in            after spending some years at the Preparatory School. He was a member of the O.T.C. and also won his colour at football. He left in 1913 to take up a post with a firm of Insurance Brokers in the City. Shortly afterwards he joined the Westminster Dragoons and became an expert horseman. At the outbreak of war he was mobilised in common with all Territorial Regiments and a month later the regiment having volunteered for foreign service was ordered to Egypt. Although only 18 he begged to be allowed to go with the rest and his parents consented. Some time was spent in Cairo training for active service and he wrote home glowing letters describing the scenes and people. He also contributed occasional letters to the “Alleynian”. His first contact with the enemy was in connection with the attempted Turkish invasion of Egypt; but more serious work came later when the regiment was sent as infantry to Gallipoli. They were landed at Suvla Bay and had desultory fighting with the Turks. They were withdrawn shortly before the [full?] evacuation of the peninsula and returned to Egypt. They were however very soon again in motion [2] being sent to the Western Desert to assist in controlling the rebellious Senussi tribes. About this time he was offered a commission in the infantry but did not wish to leave the cavalry and an opportunity offering to join the Imperial Camel Corps he and a number of his comrades decided to accept the [letter?]. During the whole of this period he had had no leave but at last he was sent to Alexandria for a whole week which was a most welcome relief after 2 years continuous service. The duties of the I.C.C. consisted mainly in visiting various outlying oases in small patrols, and he was on one of these expeditions only a few days after his return from leave when he was taken suddenly ill with a very high temperature. A message was sent to the camp and a camel transport was despatched to bring him back. Unfortunately the patrol had no medical stores of any kind and by the time he arrived at the camp it was too late to save him and he died an hour or two later.
